Courtney Tisch

Granddaughter of Wanda Gorewicz from Ostrowiecz, Poland

Preferred audience: 3rd Grade & older

Courtney is available to speak in the DMV + Virtually

  • Courtney Tisch is a writer and educator from Washington, DC. After spending several years after college trying to be an actor as well as working at various non-profit organizations, Courtney decided to go back to school in 2012 for her Masters of Education from The George Washington University. The manuscript for The Number on Her Arm was first written during a Children’s Literature course she took during her final semester of graduate school in 2013. The book eventually went on to become a John Horrworth Children's Book Award winner. Courtney ultimately became motivated to pursue publication of this book due to the strength, endurance, and selflessness of her grandparents who were both Holocaust survivors. It is her hope that this book will not only let the memory of her grandparents live on forever, but that it will also serve to educate children from all over the world about the Holocaust.

  • Wanda Gorewicz Grandma from Ostrowiecz and was in her late teens when WWII broke out. Wanda survived Auschwitz Concentration Camp.

  • -Landon School